Collections Currently Available
This list is updated as new items become available. Some if these item remain listed as they are templates that are used to construct specific collections as required. Feel free to request more complete descriptions or sample lists of any of these collections or you may come to Los Angeles to inspect them. All collections are from Los Angeles.
General Studies
2500 Liberal Arts volumes to support undergraduate studies including general studies, literature, history, political science, social science, psychology, philosophy, etc. Includes many classics $7,500.00
5000 volumes of Liberal Arts same as above but more comprehensive. $15,000.00
60,000 volumes in Microcard. This is the Evans bibliography with additions by Readex including all materials published in America before 1800. Many religious titles. Includes working reader $2500.00
Religious Collections
1000 religious volumes for undergraduate studies. Includes Biblical studies, theology and Ministry. $7000.00
5000 volume theological library for new Bible college. Including sets, reference, commentaries, theology, practical disciplines $37,500.00
1000 theological volumes of seminary level materials including Reference sets, Biblical studies, theology, church history, preaching, and counseling $10,00.00
5000 theological volumes of seminary level materials including Reference sets, Biblical studies, theology, church history, preaching, counseling, Christian education, world religions, etc. $40,000.00